Most of the top personal finance experts, such as Martin Lewis in the UK tend to put a lot of emphasis on saving money, finding economical alternatives, and prepare a budget to stay within each month to successfully avoid the consumerist trap.
We have a lot of experts and resources available to manage our finances but unfortunately, there are very few reliable platforms that offer consistent earning. I think the explanation lies in the golden rule of success in personal finance; it doesn’t matter how much you earn, but what you do with the money you earn. But in the ever-evolving world of digital transformation, global trade, and international alliances, this rule may have become obsolete. In today’s world, saving and earning are both equally important, your ability to generate income regularly, your spending habits, and your saving patterns, all contribute to better personal finance management.
Keeping a check on spending, cutting unnecessary costs, and adopting saving techniques might not be enough in the 21st century. The solution to the financial problems of general consumers can be majorly solved if they take up part-time gigs to earn additional income.
If we calculate all our reoccurring expenses i.e. mortgage, maintenance and renovation, education, commute, medical, personal development, recreation, insurance, and regular savings, they will amount to at least two million USD for a lifetime of a general consumer. With an average salary of, let’ say, fifty thousand USD per year, it will take as much as forty years of uninterrupted work to earn enough income.
Therefore, in addition to the skills of planning, budgeting, and saving, which are the basis of successful personal finance management, we also need to have additional ways to earn more. A perfect combination to ace personal financial management is earning, investing, and multiplying the money.
In this article we will go through the possible ways to earn additional income, personal finance management via useful tips and tricks on planning, budgeting, saving, and investing.
Since these are very diverse and comprehensive topics, I will publish the article in three separate parts.
Earning additional income is all about having money, more money and this can be partly achieved through sound management of money and effective financial decisions. This is why why we’ll start with personal financial planning. When asked what the essence of personal finance is and how you can improve your financial health, most people answer by informing the best type of bank accounts, useful financial apps like Revolut, or shopping promotions that help save small amounts from the reoccurring expenses.
However, almost no one ever mentions personal financial planning. Perhaps because in order to plan finances, you first need to know how to plan your life, and planning one’s life is not an easy art!
We have special workshops on the art of personal financial planning, achieving your saving goals, and being productive and motivated to look for ways to earn more.