How To Earn More And How To Have More Money will help you take control of your finances – equipping you with tips to handle your funds and illustrating many ways to generate more wealth! The manual refers to experiences and results from the author’s journey from ignorance to awareness and financial intelligence, produced to prevent you from making mistakes and avoiding the troubles associated with reckless money management!
I believe everybody has the right to financial independence and everyone can achieve it!
Become independent – learn how money works and be a conscious user of it!
The online manual explains what lies at the base of the pyramid of personal financial management…
You will learn: financial discipline; budget management skills; techniques to make you more financially aware; ways to save and generate extra income; what debt control is; what giving and investing mean in finance.
The guide will answer bothersome questions:
Why am I not earning enough?
Am I a monetary failure?
How can I increase earnings and harness greater profit by developing my self-confidence and financial literacy?
Should I look at my money from a broader perspective?