Earn More with Storytelling. How to grow your business faster with your narratives.

Andrzej Mańka
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Business storytelling in practice
How do you tell stories that will captivate crowds and turn fans into customers?
In an era of hyper-competition, traditional marketing methods are becoming expensive. A dozen years ago, it was enough just to have a business. Today you need marketing funnels, remarketing, sales offers, social media, a YouTube channel, a newsletter....
Are you sure you need all of this?
How do you stop chasing new trends and go back to the basics that lie at the foundation of persuasion? Instead of creating elaborate funnels, start using techniques that have long been used by major corporations and top leaders. Today, any entrepreneur can easily use these techniques. Let's start with the basics.
Why is selling today difficult?
Imagine Joanne - a newly graduated nutritionist. For 5 years she combined work with studies. She gathered experience and had many satisfied customers. However, she is slowly getting tired of working under the boot of her boss - the demands are getting higher and higher, and she can only dream of a raise.
Moreover, deep down she has dreamed of starting her own business since she was a child. She even already has a plan - to give dietary advice online, and sell her courses and diets. She is wondering how to get started.
She commissions a logo and a website. In the meantime, she records her first online course and develops ready-made diets. When everything is ready, she opens an account on Instagram, TikTok and launches a Facebook ad.
She's ready for an influx of customers, but those customers don't show up. Once every few days, someone will schedule an appointment. Selling courses and ready-made diets is still a distant fantasy.
Most people would have given up by now. However, Joanne is determined. She wants to succeed at all costs, so she creates even more content on Instagram and TikTok. She even opens a YouTube channel and a newsletter.
She does what the experts tell her to do - create educational materials, present the offer. However, another month passes without much change, and soon her savings run out....
She is heartbroken. This is not how she imagined her business. She records a farewell video for her fans. She thanks them for their observations. She explains why she opened her own company. She explains to them how much effort she has put into studying and improving her skills.
After recording a few stories, she puts down her phone and goes to sleep from the rush of emotions.
In the morning, she glances at her phone and sees dozens of notifications. She worries that something has happened, however, they are all from Instagram. In her inbox she has a ton of messages. She checks her client schedule - she has more clients this week than in the last two months combined. 128 people have bought her courses.
And all this without a script, without a call to action. Joanne wonders why the video worked. She accidentally discovered the power of storytelling.
Tell stories instead of selling
People love stories. They surround us in every field. It's not just about movies, TV series and books. Most, and especially the best ever, commercials, tell stories. The world's greatest speakers tell stories. Why?
Stories move us. They evoke emotions. They influence us on many levels.
Storytelling, as professional storytelling is called, can be used by small and large companies alike. Instead of presenting the technical details of your offerings, show customers why you do things, tell them about your experiences or customer stories.
How does storytelling help you grow your business?
Nowadays, competition surrounds us in every field. You've probably heard that to be successful, you need to stand out. The easiest way to stand out from the competition is by telling stories.
Joanne can tell her stories - why she became a nutritionist, the difficulties she encountered while studying. She can also tell stories of her clients, acquaintances and friends she helped.
The possibilities are abundant, because everything around us is stories....
This is where the thought probably pops into your head:
“Well cool, but I don't know how to tell stories!!!”
I have prepared something special for you, a comprehensive Business Storytelling course that shows you from A to Z how to create effective stories. Thanks to it you will learn to talk about an ordinary day as if it were the greatest adventure.
You can buy the course now for £9
What will you find inside?
You will learn how to look for stories -you will choose the right events that will most strongly influence your audience.
You'll learn how to train your "storyteller muscle" and develop better and better story ideas.
You'll learn the elements of an effective story - you'll learn what parts a story must contain to influence audiences and achieve business goals.
You will learn effective archetypes and templates - with which, instead of sitting with a blank page, you will start using proven patterns. All you have to do is fill them with your content.
You'll learn where to use storytelling in business - not just for brand building and social media posts, but also for sales.
We will analyze the stories told by well-known brands - thanks to them you will see how storytelling can be used effectively within a business in practice.
Who is this course for?
It was created for entrepreneurs who:
Want to increase sales and reach new customers.
Have social media profiles and want to create a dedicated group of fans.
Are looking for natural and ethical persuasion schemes.
Are tired of boring and clichéd communication.
Want to influence the emotions of their audience.
In the course we will focus on business storytelling. However, you will also successfully use the materials in presentations, negotiations, sales talks, or even with friends. You will stop telling simple dry facts and start telling engaging stories instead.
Get access to the Business Storytelling training for only £9 and learn how to effectively tell stories about your business.

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Andrzej Mańka
I am the founder of The Manka Academy. I am an entrepreneur and sales professional.
I am passionate about the future of entrepreneurship, and when artificial intelligence and cognitive automation will enable people to realize their full potential.
Over the past 10 years, I have had the opportunity to work with & negotiate deals for many leading global companies, including Clifford Chance, DLA Piper, Bank of America, the Law Society, Institute for Robotic Process Automation in New York, global asset managers and for some of London’s hottest start-ups.
I am an author of blogs and articles on personal finance, business and sales management. I am also an author of online courses, online workshops and help to manage a London-based public speaking club.
I attended Jagiellonian University in Krakow and studied Cinema, TV and Mass Media, including propaganda and the art of persuasion.
I Live in North London.
I am a passionate runner and a lover of jazz and science fiction.