Generate £60k in 90 days

Andrzej Mańka
Book your place now
Give me an hour and a half of your time and I’ll show you how to earn £60K in just 90 days!
Even if your earnings have been low and you lack a significant marketing budget.
You don’t need marketing budgets, investor backing, or a cushion of cash.
It’s understandable if you’re feeling uncertain, disbelieving, and doubtful.
You may not have made a lot of money yet, like many new entrepreneurs, you may even need to change your habits.
Overcoming doubts and unreadiness is easy by simply making a key decision, picking a business goal, and starting the process towards achieving it!
Making a few solid key choices in life is all it takes to succeed. Of course, this assumes that you steer clear of the more obvious serious mistakes!
Tested revenue generation system
You don't have to go through a complicated, lengthy educational process to develop your revenue stream. All you need is this hour and a half.
You may be thinking that you need to build an elaborate marketing funnel.
To set up a newsletter, to run webinars.
That you need a nice logo and a good company name.
That you need to have a polished website.
That you need to finish an MBA or another degree.
However, to get to £60k in 90 days, you only need one thing. A sales system.
You don't need to go through an overly time and energy intensive learning process. All you need is 90 minutes, during which you focus instead on implementing a sales system tested by us and our clients.
The ability to generate predictable sums of money when needed is a key competency for any entrepreneur.
Imagine what will change in your business, in your life when you learn to generate £60k in 90 days?
Will you renovate your house? Buy a new car? Will you start investing? Will you go on your dream vacation?
When you create a fine-tuned and functional sales system, then you stop being a slave to your business and start achieving goals you previously only dreamed of and you begin living by your own rules.
Our Seminar, “Generate £60k in 90 days” could be a decision worth making!
During this 90-minute meeting, you will go through 7 specific steps to get to £60k in 90 days:
- Identify the customer's urgent and critical problem
You will discover and understand your customers' deepest needs, problems and desires with our simple, straight-forward method.
- An offer that your customer cannot resist
You'll learn the 5 key elements that will make your offer wildly effective and irresistible to customers.
- An instant sales pathway
You will guide your audience through 7 key stages - from passive listener, to regular paying customer.
- The perception of your business that attracts customers like a magnet
You'll learn techniques for creating an image that makes customers want to buy from you lots- and right away!
- The power of quick experimentation and iterations
Instead of wasting time on endless plans, you will start acting in a flash. With quick adaptations, you'll be selling at two or even three times the scale.
- Your brilliant product
You'll learn to design products that customers love and recommend to others.
- The high performance secret that is used by top entrepreneurs
You'll discover the secret to achieving results far beyond expectations, by employing the training methods adopted by high-performing athletes. This will help you to make £60k in 90 days within just the first steps in developing your business.
Who I am
I’m Andrzej Manka, an independent entrepreneur who is discovering new business areas. In Poland, I managed advertising and marketing agencies. During my professional journey, reputable companies like TVN and Gutek Film employed me to oversee TV production and marketing. When I moved to London, my main area of focus was sales, and I worked for some of the leading companies in the UK, including Media 10 and Marcus Evans.
“Rich Pole, Poor Pole,” is a book I authored that concentrates on financial literacy and the mindset that leads to sound financial choices.
I’ve been running my own businesses for years. I am the founder of The Manka Academy LTD, an e-learning company that focuses on coaching programs for entrepreneurs and tools to fast-track business growth. Our services have gained popularity among clients from the UK, Europe, the US and Asia. Our goal at The Manka Academy is to help your business grow by sharing the academy’s proven strategies and tools.
Being the founder of an e-learning company, I can relate to what you’re going through, whether you’re a small business owner or someone just looking to make more money.
You can reserve your seminar seat online.
Plus, you’ll receive a gift of one month’s free course access to “Generate £60k in 90 days,” together with these appealing bonuses:
👉 Download resources for your projects and campaigns.
👉 Templates and action templates for marketing and sales purposes.
👉 Pre-made plans for profitable product creation and successful selling.
Access the course and bonuses by clicking below and joining the meeting.

- Date and timeThu, 23 November 202320:00 - 22:00 | CET
- In-Person
Mango Studios LDN Tower House 139 Fonthill Road London N4 3HF
Discover what our clients have to say about The Manka Academy’s courses, seminars, and e-learning programs:

All the tips that are included here are easily digestible and, moreover, extremely practical - you can and absolutely should put them into practice right away.

An incredible quantity of useful material- high-quality content that accelerates the development of your own business projects. Highly recommended!

We are all shaped by the education system to work for a living - either for the state or for private business. Almost no one teaches us how to be leaders, how to take matters into our own hands and how to build a business. The 3 Steps to Dream Business Owner course fills this gap perfectly. If you really want to create a successful business and successfully grow it, be sure to attend!

Thanks to The Manka Academy Club, I was able to work on my profitable business much faster and plan to earn at a much higher level.

A personalized approach, authentic support and a lot of unique, proven knowledge

Owning your own business doesn’t have to be difficult or risky as long as you know how to do it. Andrzej Manka’s course shows you step-by-step what you need to do to start a profitable business. If you feel that a job does not satisfy your aspirations in life and you dream of having your own business, reach for this course and you will receive a detailed instruction manual.

I reached for the e-book: 12 Steps to a Profitable Online Business, because I wanted to organize my knowledge regarding running my own business fully remotely. I often distrust free materials, but this one surprised me a lot! On the plus side, of course! It’s a quick read, it’s really interestingly written and contains a lot of knowledge and inspiration. I found only useful information and already after reading it I knew that it is worth reaching for more. Now I’m continuing with The Manka Academy Club and I’m also very satisfied. I recommend it to all freelancers as well as those running larger companies.
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Andrzej Mańka
Nazywam się Andrzej Mańka. Biznesem zajmuje się od czasu studiów w UJ, kiedy to założyłem swoją pierwszą agencję reklamową InfoArte. Potem, po przeprowadzce do Warszawy przez wiele lat prowadziłem firmę marketingową 5 O’CLOCK.
Finansami osobistymi i przedsiębiorczością zajmuję się od 2005 roku, od czasu, kiedy prowadziłem marketing, PR i sprzedaż dla wiodących firm zajmujących się edukacja finansową, takich jak Instytut Praktycznej Edukacji, wydawcy książek Roberta Kiyasakiego oraz e-ProfitSystem, która regularnie prowadziła elitarne seminaria dla inwestorów w nieruchomości w Warszawie i Londynie.
Napisałem też książkę pt. “Bogaty Polak, biedny Polak. Jakk o pieniądzach myślą bogaci i dlaczego biedni robią błąd, myśląc inaczej.”
Byłem tez producentem i autorem programów w TVN i regionalnych ośrodkakch TVP.
Od 2012 roku mieszkam w Londynie, gdzie zarządzam firmą The Manka Academy, specjalizującą się w e-learningu.