3 Steps To Transition From Employee To Dream Business Owner

A survey conducted by the U.S.-based Wakefield Research found that a third of Americans are more afraid of starting their own business than jumping out of an airplane! Amazing, huh?

Andrzej Mańka

Grow your business fast


30-day money-back guarantee

Have you ever thought about transitioning from full-time employment to owning your own business? Would you like to be the master of your own destiny? Do you have an idea but lack experience or support? In our course you will learn how to start your own business, achieve professional success and make a name for yourself in your industry. A study by the American company Wakefield Research found that one third of Americans are more afraid of starting their own business than jumping out of a plane! Amazing, eh?

Do you have a business idea? Develop it with us.

The situation is similar in the UK and many other countries, where a great deal of potentially valuable and even revolutionary business ideas will never become a reality because of the overwhelming fears and anxieties experienced by those who could otherwise have become outstanding entrepreneurs.

Do you often dream of having your own business too, but you don't know if you could succeed? Are you afraid to get started, worried that you will get stuck in a place where you do not feel as good as you would like to? Is getting up every day to do your corporate job and clocking in at 8.00 a.m. already tiresome? Are you thinking about how to achieve professional success but the beginning scares you? Or maybe, you have already tried but your attempt didn't work out and you're afraid of failing again? It is high time to change and invest in yourself and your dreams once more. A good business idea will always stand up as long as it is backed up by sound expertise and leadership.

The “3 Steps to Transition from Employee to Dream Business Owner” online course will enable you to make a smooth and safe transition from being employed to running your own business.


Who is our course intended for?

"3 Steps to Transition from Employee to Dream Business Owner” is for everyone, that is, everyone who:

  • wishes to earn more,

  • dreams of running their own business and

  • actively seeks their own path to financial freedom.


What will you learn in the course?

The course will give you knowledge on:

how to make a safe transition from a salaried job to self-employment,
what the best business models are for you,
what entrepreneurship is and how to do business,
how to acquire customers,
how to set the optimal price,
how to sell effectively,
how to build business perception,
what the key skills in business are,
how to negotiate and communicate effectively,
how to create a product,
how to manage a project,
how to select employees,
how to be an effective leader,
how to creatively develop your business and make innovative improvements,
how to grow your business spectacularly,
how to automate your business processes and
how to manage your finances and the finances of your business.


Here is what course users have said about it:

“3 Steps to Transition from Employee to Dream Business Owner”  gives you courage and understanding within the process of creating your own business.
We are all shaped by the education system to work for a living... However, no one teaches us how to be leaders, how to take matters into our own hands or how to build businesses. This course fills this gap perfectly. If you really want to create a great business and successfully develop it, be sure to attend!

Tomasz Król,
Graphic Designer

A must-do course for anyone who wants to start a profitable business.
Owning your own business doesn't have to be difficult or risky, as long as you know how to do it. The Manka Academy’s course shows you step-by-step what you need to do to start a profitable business. If you feel that your current job does not satisfy your life aspirations and you dream of your own business, reach for this course and you will receive a detailed manual.

Marcin Kądziołka,
Founder of an online publishing house


The course “3 Steps to Transition from Employee to Dream Business Owner” is designed according to the ‘TAG’ method, which we have developed at The Manka Academy.
The TAG Method has been constantly refined based on an effective and efficient process that will allow you to make a smooth transition from being employed to your own business. 


Here is how it will help you create a lasting presence in the business world.

The first stage, the Transition, is the time when you start to see things like an entrepreneur does, to think like a business person and take your first steps towards a success in business.

In this part, you will learn how to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, how to develop a winning habit, to understand risk and how to manage it effectively, to make decisions in business and to take care of your personal finances. 

In the second stage, Adaptation, you put the finishing, practical touches to your business project that is already in operation. Here, you make sure that all the parameters work as required and that the business generates a regular, largely predictable and steadily growing income. 

In this part, you will develop your practical skills in the areas of building the perception of your business and selling on a large scale. From creating and developing a product, adapting and applying business models, creating business processes, setting a pricing strategy to creating and managing teams. You will learn the art of negotiation and communication, strategic thinking and rapid research. 

The final, third stage, is continuous Growth. Spectacular growth can be planned and implemented. You will learn how to employ the marginal gain growth concept in your business, a constant product improvement that yields incredible benefits. You will also learn how to accelerate business growth by applying game theory or the so-called First Principle to the planning and implementing of growth. 

The course is divided into 3 parts in accordance with the TAG method. Each part contains 3 modules and the thematic modules consist of 2 to 4 sessions. 

The course is divided into several parts, which will enable you to efficiently structure the knowledge acquired and translate that knowledge into business reality. Thanks to the clear structure of the course, you will quickly absorb key information and learn useful actionable patterns.

On top of this, you have the option of individual online consultations via Zoom meetings during live workshops and personalized email communication.


As a gift, you’ll also receive two unparalleled online courses that will be useful in growing your business further.

How to make your money work for you 


The habit of winning



Part 1 - Transition
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Part 2 - Adaptation
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Part 3 - Growth
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
How to make your money work for you!
The Habit of Winning





Marcin Kądziołka

A must-do course for anyone who wants to start a profitable business.
Owning your own business doesn't have to be difficult or risky, as long as you know how to do it. The Manka Academy LTD's course shows you step-by-step what you need to do to start a profitable business. If you feel that a job does not satisfy your life aspirations and you dream of your own business, reach for this course and you will get a detailed instruction manual.

Tomasz Król

The 3 Steps from Employee to Dream Business Owner course gives you courage and allows you to understand the process of creating your own business.
We are all shaped by the education system to work for a living... Almost no one teaches us how to be leaders, how to take matters into our own hands and how to build a business. This course fills this gap perfectly. If you really want to create a great business and successfully develop it, be sure to attend!

Reviews of the online course "How to make your money work for you!" that you get as a bonus

James L. Paris

Andrzej Manka has put together an excellent personal finance primer for anyone interested in personal finance management. I was very impressed with the overall content and the specific advice provided.

Artur Szewczyk

I am so glad that financial stuff finally made sense to me in the form of this online personal finance course. I now focus on implementing tips from the course. I was even able to adjust my budget to the model presented in one of the first sessions of the course.

Wiesław Kluz

This is a real compendium of financial knowledge which has been presented in a simple and interesting format.

Elizabeth Ann Lawless

This course is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to gain control of their financial life. The hazards are real, the financial sessions solid, and the charts handy, if you find yourself dwelling on a few of the verses at the end of the sessions that might not be such a bad thing. Of course, the primary task is to get started managing and growing your financial future. Andrzej Manka’s guide will certainly help you take forward steps on this exciting journey.


Information in this online course is presented in a simple and easy style. All the know-how is very practical so you can start applying it immediately.

Aleksandra Wysockia-Zańko

The course will give you unique knowledge that is not accessible in training courses.

Przemysław Gros

I belong to that group of people who don’t have any problem with money, so I started reading the course with a certain dose of scepticism. Much to my surprise, every session of this course revealed unknown facts about the world of finance presented from various inspiring perspectives. The course is written in an attractive and understandable way.

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Andrzej Mańka

Nazywam się Andrzej Mańka. Biznesem zajmuje się od czasu studiów w UJ, kiedy to założyłem swoją pierwszą agencję reklamową InfoArte. Potem, po przeprowadzce do Warszawy przez wiele lat prowadziłem firmę marketingową 5 O’CLOCK.

Finansami osobistymi i przedsiębiorczością zajmuję się od 2005 roku, od czasu, kiedy prowadziłem marketing, PR i sprzedaż dla wiodących firm zajmujących się edukacja finansową, takich jak m.in. Instytut Praktycznej Edukacji, wydawcy książek Roberta Kiyasakiego oraz e-ProfitSystem, która regularnie prowadziła elitarne seminaria dla inwestorów w nieruchomości w Warszawie i Londynie.

Napisałem też książkę pt. “Bogaty Polak, biedny Polak. Jakk o pieniądzach myślą bogaci i dlaczego biedni robią błąd, myśląc inaczej.”

Byłem tez  producentem i autorem programów w TVN i regionalnych ośrodkakch TVP.

Od 2012 roku mieszkam w Londynie, gdzie m.in. zarządzam firmą The Manka Academy, specjalizującą się w e-learningu.

Satisfaction guaranteed

We are so confident in our products that we back them with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If within the 30 days you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a refund by writing to us at: joinus@themankaacademy.com